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Christ, Our Saviour Who takes God’s wrath away, BWV 688
Frederick Hohman

Frederick Hohman plays Christ, Our Saviour Who takes God’s wrath away, BWV 688, by Johann Sebastian Bach upon the 2 manual, 31-rank 1970 organ by Schlicker, in the sanctuary of First Lutheran Church, Lyons, New York USA.

Format: Downloadable MP3 Track
Audio Quality: 320 kbps


Product Description

Additional Details

Format: Downloadable MP3 Track
Audio Quality: 320 kbps

Catalog Number:  CD 7102
Organ: Schlicker, 1970
Venue: First Lutheran Church, Lyons, New York USA
Recorded: 08/15/1984
Released: 10/22/1984
Producer: Frederick Hohman

ISRC: USR9N8410203
© Copyright 1984 Pro Organo, 1995 Zarex Corporation.

Organists’ Review “The Sacred Heart Cathedral is the fifth largest cathedral church in the United States… Its perfect acoustics enhance the very well-balanced and satisfying tone of the organ’s nine divisions (9,513) pipes)…. Hohman turns in singularly well-crafted performances of these two great symphonic works, bringing out all their strengths and minimising their weaknesses.” – Paul Hale – Feb 1994

The Diapason “This is music so beautifully played, one cannot help but sit back and bask in it. … Dr. Hohman’s control, fine sense of tempi, and his “clean” playing, the work takes on a new luster… ” – William Brame