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Tongues of Fire (Audio CD) Scott Dettra

Scott Dettra, organist, plays music of Bach, deGrigny, Honegger, Duruflé and Vierne upon the 325-rank, 20,142-pipe organ of the Cadet Chapel at West Point United States Military Academy. Scott Dettra is joined by the men of the choral group Sacra Fuma in the deGrigny and Duruflé Veni Creator.

Released as a Digital Audio Compact Disc.

This album and its tracks are available digitally from the following streaming and download sources:
One must be subscribed and logged-in at Naxos Music Library for the Naxos link to work.


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Track Samples / Details


Format: Digital Audio CD

Catalog Number:  CD 7063
Length: 73′ 52″
Tracks:  14
Organ: Various
Venue: Cadet Chapel at West Point United States Military Academy
Recorded: 01/06/1999
Released: 07/01/1999
Producer: Frederick Hohman
Notes Author: Scott Dettra
Notes Language: English
Graphics Format: 8pp book, traycard, jewel box
UPC #: 636077706325

This album and its tracks are available digitally from the following streaming and download sources:
One must be subscribed and logged-in at Naxos Music Library for the Naxos link to work.

[ Track # • Title • Composer • Duration ]
01 • Pièce d’Orgue, BWV 572 • Johann Sebastian Bach • 8’59”
02 • Hymn d’Orgue: Veni Creator – en taille a 5 • Nicolas de Grigny • 2’19”
03 • Hymn d’Orgue: Veni Creator – Fugue à 5 • Nicolas de Grigny • 3’2″
04 • Hymn d’Orgue: Veni Creator – Duo • Nicolas de Grigny • 3’29”
05 • Hymn d’Orgue: Veni Creator – Récit de Cromorne • Nicolas de Grigny • 4’19”
06 • Hymn d’Orgue: Veni Creator – Dialogue sur les Grands jeux • Nicolas de Grigny • 4′
07 • Prélude et fugue sur le nom d’Alain, Opus 7 – Prélude • Maurice Duruflé • 6’51”
08 • Prélude et fugue sur le nom d’Alain, Opus 7 – Fugue • Maurice Duruflé • 5’37”
09 • Fugue et Choral [1917] – Choral • Arthur Honegger • 5’29”
10 • Fugue et Choral [1917] – Choral • Arthur Honegger • 5’29”
11 • Berceuse, Opus 31, No. 19 [1914] from 24 Pièces en style libre • Louis Vierne • 3’37”
12 • Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator, Opus 4 – Prélude • Maurice Duruflé • 6’45”
13 • Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator, Opus 4 – Adagio • Maurice Duruflé • 7’35”
14 • Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator, Opus 4 – Theme and Variations • Maurice Duruflé • 7’38”

Scott Dettra
The Artist (This biographical sketch was current as of the original release date of the recording in 1999.) Scott Dettra maintains an active career as an organist, accompanist, and recording artist. Born in Wilmington, Delaware, he studied music at an early age, beginning piano at age three, organ when he was eight, and holding his first church position at the age of nine. Learn more…